Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Thursday, September 3, 2009


You know how you watch them, and wish you could be like them? You want to play too? That is me with blogging.

I decided tonight I want to play.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


You have to know the story behind this. It was probably the year Jack was 2 when I bought a clearance pumpkin costume at Old Navy. You know, one of those just in case costumes, you aren't really planning to use, but nice to have in the event the planned costume doesn't happen? Well, much to Jack's dismay, plan A worked out, so I returned the pumpkin costume. From that day forward, Jack had it in his mind he wanted, he NEEDED to parade the hallways and streets dressed as a pumpkin. I put him off every year, conning him into dressing as something I thought more "appropriate" for his age. Pumpkins are costumes worn by babies or grown ups, aren't they? Not really the in between kids. By first grade it was evident Jack was not going to be satisfied until he spent Halloween Day as an ordinary pumpkin. Clearly, his toddler mind had him convinced he was meant to spend Halloween disguised as the most ordinary fall object, and Somehow, Aunt Annie (bless her heart) became the facilitator of this oddity. She sewed the coolest CUSTOM PUMPKIN COSTUME anyone has ever seen. So, here is Jack, quite possibly too old to be a pumpkin, but I am pretty sure the happiest kid alive on Halloween Day.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008